Part IV – Where Is This Blog Post Series Heading To?

Those of you who have followed this blog post series (millions. I know.) might have asked themselves what about subsequent posts, because it’s been a while.

The answer is that I realized that providing a decent hands-on guide on the subject is probably going to be too long for a blog post series. Yes, I can definitely manage to get your head around Linux to a level where you won’t refuse any access to a Linux machine, currently being out of your comfort zone, but I believe that in order to give you the tools and knowledge to do a bit more, this would not be enough.

That’s why I decided that I’m going to upgrade this blog post series into a an e-Book! The e-Book will be built through the great Leanpub platform and I’ll keep you posted as it evolves and as soon as you can get early versions of it.

For those of you who don’t know what Leanpub is: Leanpub is a platform that allows book authors to write their book in a very agile way, releasing chapters or even shorter fragments one at a time and allowing early bird readers to buy initial versions of it while it’s being written. So good.

Anyway, I’m going to return to publish “regular” blog posts while starting to write this e-Book. I might publish fragments of the upcoming e-Book as subsequent blog posts to this series, but I’m really not sure about that.

Of course, there are tons of resources (both online and hard copies) on Linux and even on Ubuntu specifically, for beginners and for more experienced users. The goal of my e-Book is very specific though: it’s addressed towards the same audience this blog post series has addressed to, as described in my first post: people who are proficient with Windows (as software developers, IT guys or any other Windows pro) but feel clueless when the famous Linux shell $ sign appears.

Stick around!

Linux (Ubuntu) Tutorial for Windows Developers & Power Users – Part IV