Some of my posts contain affiliate links, that is – links that get you to the site / service / product I mention with a special “hint” that rewards me with some royalties in case you eventually make a purchase on those sites.

I want to be completely up-front with it. I’m not obfuscating it in any way; see it as a “token of appreciation” for the content I provide, a token that doesn’t cost you anything. What I want to be super-clear about is that these will ALWAYS be links to links to products or services I have personally used and can highly recommend based on my experience, or at least got multiple, very warm and credible first-hand recommendations about them. My first priority is high quality content; these affiliate links (if at all) are by-products. I’m not willing to dump some Google-friendly text out there to leverage these affiliate royalties from. They are there “on the way”, for high-quality produces and services as I mentioned, and honestly: I don’t really get much from them, at best it pays my hosting costs 🙂

With doing this and being completely up-front about it I want you to trust me that whatever I refer to as a recommendation has been used by me and genuinely recommended. It’s not a legal requirement to do so in Australia (where I live) at the time of this writing but I do want to fully disclose it.
